

Thursday, 25 January 2024




Set out below is a summary of the decisions taken at the Executive meeting held on Thursday, 25 January 2024.  The wording used does not necessarily reflect the actual wording that will appear in the minutes.


Members are reminded that, should they wish to call in a decision, notice must be given to Democracy Services no later than 4pm on Thursday 1 February 2024.


If you have any queries about any matters referred to in this decision sheet please contact RobertFlintoft.



5.               Developing a Welcome Centre Approach for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children




                   i.        Approved the delivery model of developing a welcome centre approach for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children aged 16 and 17 years by a) committing a total spend of £275,000 from the existing capital budget for the development of a bespoke supported accommodation provision to accommodate 4 unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (aged 16/17) and b) developing a second such provision in 2024/25 within available capital budget;

                  ii.        That delegated authority be granted to the Corporate Director of Children services and Education, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Place and the Director of Governance, to approve and effect any necessary appropriations of Council-owned properties from general housing stock (or from other existing use(s)) or any properties necessary to deliver the plans outlined in this Report;

                 iii.        That delegated authority be granted to the Corporate Director of Children’s and Education, in consultation with the Director of Governance, to negotiate and conclude/enter into any legal documentation required for the freehold purchase and/or lease by the Council of any properties necessary to deliver the plans outlined in this Report for supported accommodation;

                iv.        That delegated authority be granted to the Corporate Director of Children's and Education, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Place and the Director of Governance, to apply for and obtain any necessary planning permission(s) and/or building regulations approvals in respect of any change of use of and/or adaptations to said properties necessary to deliver the plans outlined in this Report for supported accommodation.


Reason:     To continue to develop the City of York’s provision for children in care and ensure the Council meets its statutory sufficiency duty and its duty under Section 72(3) of the Immigration Act 2016 in respect of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.




6.               Waste Services – Service developments




                      i.       Noted the report and agreed to introduce a garden

waste subscription service at a fee of £46.50 per bin, and instruct officers to begin work so that the Council can introduce an annual fee for kerbside garden waste collections in York;

                     ii.       That the Council should offer a 50% discount on the subscription rate for the garden waste service for residents who may struggle to afford the service and use Council Tax Support as a way of applying this.


Reason:     To determine how the garden waste collection

service will be delivered in the future.


                    iii.       To delegate authority to the Director of Transport, Environment and Planning and in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, to use the Waste Reserve and take all steps necessary to procure, award and enter into contracts to deliver and effectively implement the new service;


Reason:     To enable resources, capital investment, and

contracts to be put in place in a timely manner to ensure the garden waste subscription service can be effectively delivered.


                   iv.       Approved, as a one-off, a free collection of garden waste bins from those households not wishing to subscribe to the garden waste collection service (it is likely residents will need to register for this collection).


Reason:     This will facilitate the collection of any unwanted

garden waste bins (green wheelie bins) which will be hard for residents to dispose of. The Council will make appropriate arrangements for these unwanted bins to be collected and recycled.


                     v.       To formally adopt the Waste Policy which is included as Annex A to the report with a view to implementing the Policy from April 2024;

                   vi.       To delegate authority to the Director of Environment Transport and Planning in consultation with the relevant Executive members to update the Waste Policy and prepare Terms and Conditions.


Reason:     To ensure there is a formally adopted waste policy

that is clear for waste teams, members and residents and it reflects any decisions e.g. a subscription scheme for garden waste collections.


                  vii.       To delegate authority to the Director of Environment,

Transport and Planning to transfer properties from

‘bags to bins’, implementing the scheme in affected areas.


Reason:     To enable residents to benefit from waste collections

via wheeled bins as opposed to bags. This will help with waste containment, reduce windblown litter, increase recycling and have health and safety benefits for collection crews.


                 viii.       To note that the service does need to undertake a round optimisation exercise to ensure that collection rounds are efficient as the city continues to expand with additional households requiring waste collections. To delegate authority to the Director of Environment, Transport and Planning to implement an optimisation of collection rounds in consultation with the relevant Executive Members.


Reason:     To ensure collection rounds are as efficient as

possible and vehicle miles travelled are reduced (it should be noted that this will lead to a change of collection day for some residents at the point at which the new rounds are adopted).


                   ix.       To note that in parts of the city, waste and recycling

collections are delivered by St Nick’s under a contract for “Special Waste and Recycling Collection Arrangements for the City Centre”. This contract is due to expire and tender prices are being sought.


Reason:     To ensure properties in the city centre and that are

hard to access, benefit from an option to have their waste and recycling collected effectively.


                     x.       To delegate authority to the Director of Environment,

Transport and Planning, and in consultation with the Director of Governance and Chief Finance Officer, award the contract for “Special Waste and Recycling Collection Arrangements for the City Centre”.


Reason:     To ensure collection rounds are as efficient as





7.               Finance & performance monitor 3




                      i.       To note the finance and performance information.


Reason:     To ensure expenditure is kept within the approved budget.










8.               Capital Programme Update monitor 3




                      i.       That Council approve the adjustments resulting in a decrease in the 2023/24 budget of £16.013m as detailed in the report.




                     ii.       To note the 2023/24 revised budget of £119.723m as set out in paragraph 4 and Table 3;

                    iii.       To note the restated capital programme for 2023/24 – 2027/28 as set out in Annex A.


Reason:     To enable the effective management and monitoring

of the Council’s capital programme.




9.               Treasury Management Quarter 3 Prudential Indicators




                   i.        To note the Treasury Management activities up to the third quarter date ending 30th November 2023;

                  ii.        To note the Prudential Indicators set out at Annex A and note the compliance with all indicators.


Reason:    To ensure the continued effective operation and performance of the Council’s Treasury Management function and ensure that all Council treasury activity is prudent, affordable and sustainable and complies policies set.


It is a statutory duty for the Council to determine and keep under review the affordable borrowing limits. During the first three quarters of the year to 30th November 2023, the Council has operated within the treasury and prudential indicators set out in the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy Statement for 2023/24.


There are no policy changes to the Treasury Management Strategy Statement for members to agree and approve; the details in this report update the Treasury Management position and Prudential Indicators in the light of the updated economic position and budgetary changes already approved.




10.            Financial Strategy 2024/25




                      i.       That Council approve the budget proposals as outlined in this report. In particular;

a) The net revenue expenditure requirement of £149.268m;

b) A council tax requirement of £113.927m.

c)  The revenue growth proposals as outlined in the body of the report.

d) The 2024/25 revenue savings proposals as outlined in annex 2.

e) The fees and charges proposals as outlined in annex 3.

f)   The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 24/25 budget set out in annex 5.

g) The Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) proposals outlined from paragraph 139.

                     ii.       That Council approve a 4.99% increase in the City of York element of the council tax, 2% of which would relate to the social care precept. It is intended that the total council tax increase including the parish, police and fire authority precepts;

                    iii.       That Council approve the 100% increase in council tax

on second homes with effect from 1st April 2025 subject to the Levelling Up bill receive Royal Assent by 31st March 2024, as set out in paragraphs 75 to 77.


Reason:     To ensure a legally balanced budget is set.


                   iv.       That Council approve the average rent increase of 7.7% to be applied to all rents for 2024/25.


Reason:     To ensure the ongoing financial stability of the Housing Revenue Account and allow work on improving the quality of the council’s affordable housing to continue.





11.            Capital Budget 2024/25 to 2028/29




                      i.       That Council agree to the revised capital programme of £395.186m that reflects a net overall increase of £56.409m (as set out in table 2 and in Annex A). Key elements of this include:

a)   New schemes funded by prudential borrowing totalling £3.353m as set out in table 3;

b)   Extension of prudential borrowing funded Rolling Programme schemes totalling £25.025m as set out in table 4;

c)   Extension of externally funded Rolling Programme schemes totalling £6.030m as set out in table 5;

d)   New schemes funded by external grants totalling £3.844m as set out in table 5;

e)   An increase in HRA funded schemes totalling £18.157m funded from a combination HRA balances/capital receipts as set out in table 6;

                     ii.       That Council note the total increase in Council borrowing as a result of new schemes being recommended for approval is £28.378m the details of which are considered within this report and the financial strategy report;

                    iii.       That Council approve the full restated programme as summarised in Annex B totalling £395.186m covering financial years 2024/25 to 2028/29 as set out in table 12 and Annex B.


Reason:     To ensure the Council finances its capital programme. 




12.            Capital & Investment Strategy




                   i.        That Council approve the capital and investment strategy at annex A.


Reason:    To meet the Council’s  statutory obligation to comply with the Prudential Code 2017.




13.            Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2024/25 - 2028/29




                      i.       That Council, in accordance with the Local Government Act 2003 (revised), approve:

a)   The proposed Treasury Management Strategy for 2024/25 including the Annual Investment Strategy and the Minimum Revenue Provision policy statement;

b)   The prudential indicators for 2024/25 to 2028/29 in the main body of the report;

c)   The specified and non-specified investments schedule (Annex B);

d)   The scheme of delegation and the role of the Section 151 officer (Annex D).


Reason:     To ensure the continued effective operation and performance of the Council’s Treasury Management function and ensure that all Council treasury activity is prudent, affordable and sustainable and complies with policies set.

